Leader Spotlight: Matching talent to problems, with Kristin Dorsett - LogRocket Blog

I came from a marketing background and moved into running sales teams at HomeAway... I was persistent about what we should change until eventually they let me take a team and go build what I thought we needed.
Our main problem was getting property managers to work with HomeAway, when historically, the platform was made for individual homeowners. None of the tools were made to do anything en masse, and my sales team told me that they couldn't sell because our tools didn't work for customers.
Getting to build all the tools that I knew our customers needed, seeing our property manager segment grow incredibly over time based on all these tools, and unlocking new inventory we didn't have before. Coming at it from a sales perspective and really understanding what the customers want, and then translating that into a product that's not only great for them, but also for our business - that's my favorite part.
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