The article discusses the rise of freelance thuggery in American politics, likening it to Ukraine's Titushky—thugs used by authoritarian regimes to intimidate opponents. These thugs operate violence under the guise of volunteerism, creating a turbulent political atmosphere while allowing political leaders to distance themselves from their actions. The Proud Boys exemplify this trend in the U.S., acting as vigilantes amidst political unrest, similar to the mechanisms employed by former Ukrainian president Yanukovych to suppress dissent. Both groups illustrate how aspiring authoritarianism manifests through violent proxies.
"Freelance thuggery...sometimes relies on volunteers-thugs willing to do violence while denying any link to politicians. Such people create a sense of ongoing threat..."
"In the 2010s in Ukraine, these men were called Titushky... agents provocateurs who crack down on protesters or provoke clashes..."