Donald Trump openly called for unlawful prosecutions of his political enemies at a recent speech inside the Justice Department, which deviates from presidential norms of maintaining distance from the DOJ. He referred to himself as the nation’s chief law enforcement officer while targeting various individuals, marking a continuation of his approach towards legal retribution against adversaries. This address, characterized by an hour-long prepared speech, underscored his ambition to mold the legal system to his preferences, indicating a significant shift in the relationship between the presidency and the DOJ.
Donald Trump has articulated his plans to go after his political opponents with legal actions time and again, but what’s significant about this version of his hour-long, rambling stump speech was where he gave it.
Presidents historically maintain a respectful distance between themselves and their attorneys general to avoid the perception that the DOJ's actions are politically motivated.
Trump broke from this tradition to lay out a clear agenda to turn the DOJ into his personalized legal strike force.
Calling for legal vengeance against his political enemies has been a central theme of all of Trump's speeches since he came down his gilded escalator.