Opinion: Biblical thank yous for benevolent acts

The article delves into Donald Trump's feelings of frustration towards Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy for not explicitly thanking him in public. Trump felt slighted despite Zelenskyy's previous acknowledgments to the United States, indicating Trump's need for public validation. It mentions how Trump sought affirmation from political allies who had expressed appreciation for his stance but wished for a more public thank you from Zelenskyy. This reflects Trump's need for recognition and public acknowledgment in international relations.
It was difficult to get it out of his head. How could Volodymyr Zelenskyy - he refused to call him president - not thank him?
Zelenskyy had thanked the United States several times, but this was different. This would have been Zelenskyy thanking him, Donald Trump, in front of the press.
Trump checked online. He checked Twitter. Marco Rubio and Mike Lee got it right. They thanked him for standing up to Zelenskyy's use of facts.
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