Opinion | Trump Is an Angry Little Boy on a Great White Horse

The article explores the concept of classical magnanimity, defined by philosophers such as Aristotle and Cicero as a social type that seeks greatness and triumph. It contrasts noble exemplars like Pericles and Charles de Gaulle with Donald Trump, whom the author sees as a third-rate version of this virtue. The magnanimous man is characterized by an aloofness and a belief in superiority over 'small-souled' individuals, often seeking honor and power while overlooking Christian values of humility and compassion. This perspective gains relevance following a recent presidential address highlighting Trump's aspirations for greatness.
The classical concept of magnanimity, as elaborated by philosophers like Aristotle and Cicero, represents a man who seeks to achieve greatness and glory, often putting himself above the common man.
Trump, like a third-rate magnanimous man, envisions conquests that reflect superiority but lacks the noble essence embodied in historical figures like Pericles or Charles de Gaulle.
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