Workers at Yosemite National Park displayed an upside-down U.S. flag to protest the firing of about 1,000 National Park Service employees by the Trump administration. The choice of location, El Capitan, during the annual firefall event aimed to attract attention to the protest. Employees voiced concerns about the impact of job losses on park maintenance and wildlife. The protest highlights the importance of preserving national parks, which are considered public properties, and the dire consequences of employee reductions on park upkeep.
"We're bringing attention to what's happening to the parks, which are every American's properties. It's super important we take care of them, and we're losing people here, and it's not sustainable if we want to keep the parks open."
"You'd be amazed with how many diapers I pick up off the side of the road. Beer bottles, toilet paper, all the stuff so you don't have to see."