Trump Says Federal Government Should Take Over' Washington D.C

President Trump's recent remarks advocating for a federal takeover of Washington, D.C., reignite a long-standing debate about the city's governance. He favors strong federal control over the capital, aligning with some Republicans who wish to abolish local government systems. This view opposes the desires of the majority of local residents and many Democrats, who seek statehood to gain full representation in Congress. Despite having elected local officials since 1973, D.C. residents still struggle with limitations in congressional representation, highlighting a significant democratic gap for a population larger than some states.
The federal government should take over Washington, D.C., with the goal of running it with strong governance, law and order, and making it beautiful.
Mr. Trump's stance aligns him with Republicans seeking to end local governance in D.C., contrasting with local residents and many Democrats who support D.C. statehood.
Since 1973, Washington residents have elected their mayor and council to govern locally, but they remain without full representation in Congress.
Although the 23rd Amendment gave D.C. residents the right to vote in presidential elections, they still lack Congressional voting representation.
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