Trauma lingers on for survivors of the deadly 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami

The day is forever seared in Neungduangjai Sritrakarn's memory: Dec. 26, 2004, the day the deadly Indian Ocean tsunami struck across South and Southeast Asia, after a 9.1 magnitude earthquake off the west coast of Indonesia's Sumatra island.
They grabbed all the family members' essential documents and hopped on motorbikes. Within minutes, Neungduangjai, her mother, father, brother and sister were speeding away, trying to get as far as they could from their village of Ban Nam Khem.
Neungduangjai pulled herself to her feet but could barely stand in the moving mass - the water was almost up to her knees. She didn't know at the time that the tsunami had hit a dozen countries, leaving about 230,000 dead.
Along Thailand's Andaman coast, at least 5,400 people were killed and some 3,000 remain missing to this day, according to the Thai government. The shrimp farm where Neungduangjai's family worked and lived was wiped out.
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