Thousands of counterfeit Forever postage stamps are seized in Chicago

Customs and Border Protection agents in Chicago recently seized nearly 162,000 counterfeit U.S. Forever stamps being shipped from China. The stamps were divided among eight different shipments and would have carried a total value exceeding $118,000 if they were authentic. This increase in counterfeit stamps is particularly notable during holiday seasons, which are typically targets for such fraud. The U.S. Postal Inspection Service states that the flag stamp is frequently encountered among counterfeit products, highlighting a specific trend in the counterfeit market.
This week, Customs and Border Protection in Chicago seized nearly 162,000 counterfeit U.S. Forever stamps, illustrating a concerning trend of increasing fraudulent postal products.
The counterfeit stamps, shipped from China, were spread across eight shipments and would have been worth over $118,000 if they had been real.
U.S. Postal Inspection Service reports that the flag stamp is the most frequently encountered counterfeit stamp, indicating a specific target by counterfeiters.
CBP has observed a noticeable rise in the quantity of fraudulent stamps, particularly during holiday periods such as Valentine's Day, signaling a growing issue.
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