'Regular' People Are Sharing The Most Entitled Thing A Rich Person Has Ever Said To Them, And Holy Crap

'It's not my fault I was born with hardworking parents.' Then, when I gave him a blank stare, he switched [that] to, 'I meant it's not my fault I was born into a rich family.'
'Really love your furniture,' said several times, sarcastically, always by white, rich boys. My family wasn't poor, but all my college apartment furniture was secondhand, some of it kind of shabby. I immediately told them to leave and never spoke to them again.'
'If you're so unhappy with your pay from your chosen career, why don't you just go back to school and get another degree?' This was while I was already in the hole for close to $70k for just my bachelor's. Meanwhile, she had paid for all of her children's and grandchildren's educations, and set them all up with trusts.'
'Why aren't you doubling up on your mortgage payments? You don't have to pay the interest if you pay ahead. That's how I paid off my 30-year mortgage in just over 10 years,' said by someone who, accounting for inflation, made twice as much as me when they bought their first house. I'm one major appliance death away from not being able to afford food for two months.'
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