Is It Harris' or Harris's? Add a Walz, and It's Even Trickier.

Anyone who tells you there are universal rules to how to add an apostrophe ending in S is either wrong or lying... You can't be wrong as long as you're consistent.
The Associated Press Stylebook uses only an apostrophe for singular proper names ending in S (Harris') while major newspapers like The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Wall Street Journal use 's (Harrises') for singular possessive.
Merriam-Webster suggests either 's or just an apostrophe for names ending in S or Z sound, with 's being the more common choice. Language usage is a bottom-up process.
People want to know what the rules are because they want to do this correctly... But at the same time, you can't impose language from the top down it's a bottom-up thing.
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