The recent uproar in Florida's education sector stems from test questions at Florida International University that enraged lawmaker Randy Fine, who accused them of antisemitism. This included a claim that Palestine existed pre-Israel and insinuated Zionist invention of terrorism. The chancellor of Florida's State University System, Ray Rodrigues, responded by banning the textbook related to these questions and mandated faculty panels to review educational materials for potential antisemitism and anti-Israel sentiments, aligning with a new Florida law that restricts criticism of Israel.
The controversy arose when a student publicized test questions suggesting that Palestine existed before Israel and implying Zionists' involvement in terrorism. This prompted outrage from state lawmaker Randy Fine, who viewed these views as antisemitic.
In response, Florida's State University System chancellor, Ray Rodrigues, ordered a review and removal of certain materials, claiming the test questions violated Florida law on antisemitism.