The street fentanyl crisis shows signs of ending as recent data indicates a significant drop in drug-related deaths across all states. A University of North Carolina analysis reveals that declines in fatalities began earlier than expected, indicating the trend could be sustainable. Researchers found a nearly 30% reduction in fentanyl-related deaths within a year. The overall drug death toll has fallen from a peak of 114,000 in 2023 to about 87,000, suggesting positive developments in substance use patterns and increased availability of life-saving treatments like Narcan.
This is not a blip. We are on track to return to levels of [fatal] overdose before fentanyl emerged, said Nabarun Dasgupta.
It has been a complete shock to see the numbers declining in the way they have been, said Dasgupta.
From fentanyl it's a 30.6 percent [drop in deaths] in one year, that's a huge reduction, said Dr. Nora Volkow.
Overall drug deaths in the U.S. are down roughly a quarter, according to provisional CDC data.