Mr. Trump is unfit for our nation's highest office. But to those humiliated by defeat, he promises we'll win again. To those discouraged by a government unable to care for the people it sent to war, he promises to take care of our veterans. To those voters furious at politicians who sent their children to fight and bleed and die in Iraq, he tells them what no major Republican politician in a decade has said—that the war was a terrible mistake imposed on the country by an incompetent president.
Trump's anti-war message resonates with white America. Drawing on his experiences as the child of a poor white family, Vance noted that George W. Bush's foreign policy was deeply unpopular with the working class—and that Trump was the only Republican willing to challenge elite warmongering.
Vance's insight prefigures the current election, where Trump and Vance are now a team united in part by a strategy that uses anti-war rhetoric to appeal to working-class whites by painting the Democrats as beholden to a militaristic establishment.