Trudeau's Hold on Power Slips After Collapse of Governing Agreement

Jagmeet Singh, the leader of the New Democratic Party, expressed strong discontent, stating, "Justin Trudeau has proven again and again he will always cave to corporate greed. The Liberals have let people down. They don't deserve another chance from Canadians." With these remarks, Singh signaled the end of the support agreement that previously gave Trudeau's government stability. This move not only reflects internal party dissatisfaction but also raises questions about the Liberals’ capacity to govern effectively without the NDP’s backing.
Without the backing of the New Democrats, the Liberals face challenges in passing legislation in the House of Commons, diminishing their de facto majority. Jagmeet Singh’s statement about tearing up the agreement highlights the precariousness of Trudeau's leadership. It illustrates a significant shift in parliamentary dynamics, with other parties like the Conservatives gaining traction as the Liberals continue to lag behind in polls. The ending of this agreement could ignite political tensions and pave the way for earlier than anticipated elections.
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