This Election Is Different

"Love of country-the expression now sounds almost archaic-is an ennobling sentiment, quite as ennobling as love of family and community. It elevates us, invests our daily life with a larger meaning, dignifies the individual even as it humanizes politics." - Gertrude Himmelfarb
"When I was a young boy, my father adorned the back of our Dodge Coronet 440 station wagon with bumper stickers. Proud to Be An American, one read, a manifestation of a simple truth: Both of my parents deeply loved America, and they transmitted that love to their four children."
"From the November 2024 issue: The moment of truth. As a young conservative who worked in the Reagan administration, I was inspired by President Ronald Reagan's portrayal of America-borrowed from the Puritan John Winthrop-as a shining 'city upon a hill.'"
"It was a contentious meeting. Their view was that the United States and the Soviet Union were much closer to moral equivalents than I believed then, or now."
Read at The Atlantic