Kamala Harris ran a historic campaign. What will her legacy be?

"Just seeing that she was able to be in a position like that is really inspiring for me and other young Black women. She really painted a portrait that no matter what, our voices are heard, our voices matter, and we're worthy to be in positions like that." - Sharmanda Jean-Francois, Howard University senior.
"I really saw myself in her because I am Black and South Asian. Sexism and racism, that's really what it comes down to. And I don't know that this country's ready to elect a woman president of any race, to tell you the truth." - Jolikha Ali, 65, New York City.
"I knew that this country could elect a Black president. I did not believe it could elect a Black woman president... Harris steered too far from her identity, proving that being authentic is crucial for women of color seeking political office." - Tressie McMillan Cottom, sociologist.
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