Ignore Trump? Democrats Now Want Him Plastered All Over the News.

A party-wide consensus held that he was best left ignored. Three years later, Mr. Biden's re-election campaign and Democratic officials across the party's spectrum have landed on a new solution to his political slump: More Trump.
Now, Democrats worry that the fever of Trump fatigue has passed, and that some voters are softening toward a man they once loathed. Many others may simply be paying little attention, as Mr. Trump's share of the daily national conversation has diminished.
Cynthia Wallace, a co-founder of the New Rural Project, a progressive group in North Carolina, said she didn't hear much about Mr. Trump these days from the rural Black and Hispanic voters her organization focuses on. I think it's like a relationship, she said. There were a lot of bad things that happened, but the longer distance you get away from the bad things, you're like, maybe the bad things weren't that bad.
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