Throughout election day, reports came in of record turnout across Philadelphia, the largest and traditionally Democratic city in the key swing-state of Pennsylvania. Democrats were buoyed by the news, especially the reported record numbers of Hispanic voters - particularly Puerto Ricans. Republicans were clearly anxious.
Half an hour before Pennsylvania's polls closed, Euronews headed to Huntingdon, a relatively poor neighbourhood in northern Philadelphia with a large Puerto Rican population. Democratic officials were telling voters to 'stay in line' past closing time to ensure everyone who had turned out could get their chance to vote.
Angel was positive about Trump's chances, although he conceded that the sight of a comedian at a Trump rally calling Puerto Rico a 'floating island of garbage' would likely put off a number of Hispanic voters. Nonetheless, he was standing by Trump.
In the final 30 minutes the polls were open, just one voter turned out at Angel's location: Ijanae.