Donald Trump has become master of the US Senate | Sidney Blumenthal

The article discusses Donald Trump's influence over the Senate compared to the House of Representatives, emphasizing how his cabinet nominations tested Senators' independence. Unlike the obedient House, the Senate traditionally viewed itself as a prestigious body. However, Trump's disqualified nominees forced Senators to confront the reality of their situation, effectively placing them in a position of subservience to him rather than the other way around. This marks a significant shift in the power dynamics within the U.S. government, highlighting his strategy to undermine the Senate's autonomy.
Trump's opportunity to crush the Senate appeared at once. As soon as he made his nominations for his cabinet, the Senate would hold confirmation hearings.
It was the senators, not the obviously disqualified nominees, who had to pass the test. They were not the ones sitting in judgment; they were in Trump's dock.
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