The UN's development chief, Achim Steiner, has called for a public debate in the UK concerning the significant cuts to overseas aid imposed by the Conservative government. The UK's reduction from a 0.7% commitment to 0.5% during the pandemic was criticized for adversely impacting UN organizations. Steiner expressed concern over Labour's lack of promise to restore this funding level and noted that public perception of overseas aid is often skewed, suggesting that the issue deserves attention in the context of domestic priorities.
The UK cutbacks were brutal, and they nearly broke the neck of a number of our organisations in the UN... you simply slashed.
The generosity of British people is one they demonstrated at an individual level, in crisis moments, time and again.
I don't think it's being told the truth; the British public were simply told there is no cost to reducing our engagement globally.
That's a trade-off that is not either inevitable, nor is it without consequence.