A network of verified Telegram channels associated with Russian influence is allegedly encouraging violent attacks on mosques and Muslims in the UK, alarmingly escalating from merely graffiti to prompts for knife attacks. Recent graffiti incidents are under police investigation, while shared PDFs contain bomb-making instructions. Campaign group Hope Not Hate has alerted counter-terrorism police, expressing grave concerns that this coordinated effort poses a major threat due to its explicit violence incitement. Coinciding with a 73% spike in Islamophobic assaults, Russia's digital campaigns exacerbate societal tensions, reflecting a broader strategy to create unrest in Western countries.
A network of Telegram channels linked to Russia is reportedly inciting violence against Muslims in the UK, pushing for attacks on mosques and offering cryptocurrency rewards.
The shift in messaging from graffiti to encouraging knife attacks represents a concerning escalation, with campaigners urging authorities to take these threats seriously.