Are you a Flat Earther? You're probably SPITEFUL, scientists say

A recent study from Staffordshire University found that spite is a key factor in why individuals believe in conspiracy theories. The research involved 1,000 participants across three experiments assessing the interaction of spite with existing motivations for conspiracy belief: the need to understand the world, security, and social significance. The study revealed that when individuals feel at a competitive disadvantage, their levels of spite increase, leading them to reject expert opinion and embrace alternative explanations that sustain their views, such as the Flat Earth theory and moon landing denials.
'Spiteful psychological motives tend to emerge when people feel at a competitive disadvantage, often when they feel uncertain, threatened or undervalued,' explained Dr David Gordon.
'Conspiracy theories can serve as a way for individuals to satisfy this desire through rejecting expert opinion and scientific consensus.'
The researchers set out to examine whether or not spitefulness plays a role in conspiracy belief, carrying out three experiments involving 1,000 participants.
Across all three motivations, the researchers found that higher levels of spite were associated with stronger belief in conspiracy theories.
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