HanLi achieves unique graphic and typographic designs through a philosophy of experimentation and historical research. Studio co-founders Elias and Lucas emphasize the importance of trying new things with each project to avoid repetitive outcomes. They focus on creating work that stands the test of time without resorting to trends. Their upcoming releases include a geometric sans serif family and a display face inspired by historical typography, as they continue to blend joy and innovation into their craft.
Both HanLi's graphic and typographic outputs are equally as effortless, pleasant and confidently simple as one another...
There is an unofficial studio rule that with every new project, if possible, we try something new...
Ultimately, our goal is to be excited and interested in what we do and have some fun as well.
We find it very satisfying and also helpful for research and form-finding...
We're also currently developing a display face inspired by Leporello.