CSS { In Real Life } | How I Solved My Font Rendering Problem

Since I redesigned this website last year, an issue with the heading font has been bugging me. I'd noticed that, unlike in other browsers, in Safari on iOS the headings rendered poorly, slightly blurry, as if they'd been faux-bolded.
The @font-face at rule is where we specify a font for use in our CSS. Most of the time I don't give it too much thought. I specify a few things: The font family (How you want to refer to it in the CSS font-family property. Usually the name of the font, but it can be anything you want.) The src URL and font format. These days I tend to just go with WOFF2, as it's well supported. Old browsers can fall back to a system font with no harm to the user...
Read at CSS { In Real Life } | How I Solved My Font Rendering Problem