Animal sounds in different languages

The article by Vivian Li explores the concept of onomatopoeia and its role in reflecting both biological instincts and cultural perceptions. While one might expect animal sounds to be similar across languages, the article reveals significant differences. For example, a pig's sound is depicted as [ojŋk] in English, [røf] in Hungarian, and [ʔut it] in Vietnamese. Such variations highlight how language influences sound interpretation, with the complexity of animal vocalizations also playing a crucial role. The article emphasizes the interplay between sound imitation and cultural linguistic frameworks.
The way humans mimic animal sounds reflects not only shared biological instincts but also distinct cultural filters.
Although onomatopoeia intends to imitate faithfully, its differences are ultimately far from arbitrary.
English interprets a pig's sound as [ojŋk], yet Hungarian hears [røf], and Vietnamese hears [ʔut it].
Pigs' vocalizations are innately more complex, or they call upon different phonotactic rules.
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