The purpose of the meeting was for city Parks and Rec to gather input and perspective and feedback on the Depot Bike Park and whether to explore pickleball [there] or not. This isn’t the pickleball community trying to take over, but Parks and Rec trying to gather community input on all sides of this issue.
A lot of communities built out pickleball courts eight to 10 years ago. It remains a key priority from our parks master plan and something we continue to work on.
The meeting went well. One of the biggest revelations was the number of BMX faithful that rallied for their park, which first opened in 2009.
In 2017, fewer than half of the largest U.S. cities offered formalized pickleball courts. Today, parks and recreation departments have embraced the sport, spurring the installment of more than 3,000 courts across 100 of the most populated cities in the country.