REI's outlet store reveals incredible deals on outdoor gear, presenting markdowns up to 58% on essential items from popular brands. This section, filled with hiking, camping equipment, and travel bags, allows outdoor enthusiasts to find necessary gear at lower prices, starting from just $13. Featured items include the best overall deals like the Alps Mountaineering Camp Chair and Merrell Speed Solo Women's Hiking Shoes, emphasizing the outlet's value for those preparing for spring adventures. With five-star rated products like the Mountain Hardwear Aspect 3 Tent, shoppers can equip themselves for various outdoor activities without overspending.
REI's hidden outlet storefront offers incredible discounts on outdoor gear, with markdowns up to 58%, showcasing deals from top brands like Patagonia and Hoka.
Discounts include impressive offerings such as the Alps Mountaineering Camp Chair at 58% off, perfect for camping enthusiasts seeking quality at a low price.