33 Things That Frequent Travelers Use While Traveling (So Maybe You Should, Too)

A TSA PreCheck and Global Entry membership can dramatically streamline airport experience for frequent travelers. The author highlights a personal anecdote of a long wait in line upon returning from an overseas trip as a motivating factor to sign up. Post-registration, the traveler experienced a significantly quicker and more efficient process in subsequent travels. Additionally, the article mentions the CLEAR program, which further expedites identity verification through biometric features, enhancing overall travel efficiency.
"I put off getting TSA PreCheck and even Global Entry for YEARS despite flying ~10x a year. However, my breaking point was July 2021 when I had to wait soooo long at the airport coming back from Croatia."
"I went to Italy about a month later after signing up for Global Entry, and coming back to the country was a breeze. I've since used the Global Entry portion six times and the TSA PreCheck about a dozen times since getting it."
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