Leslieville drug consumption site closes doors for good in response to Ontario law | CBC News

The KeepSix Consumption and Treatment Service in Toronto closed permanently following a shooting incident that killed a mother of two. Government legislation necessitated the closure of multiple supervised drug consumption sites, with KeepSix being among them. The South Riverdale Community Health Centre announced the layoffs of 16 staff members and the cessation of programs related to drug consumption and needle exchange. The center emphasized its commitment to providing harm reduction supplies while transitioning to new services under the Homelessness and Addiction Recovery Treatment Hubs.
As a result of the closure, the centre says it will not offer supervised drug consumption and needle exchange programs but will continue to provide sterile harm reduction supplies.
Karolina Huebner-Makurat, 44, died in hospital after she was hit by a stray bullet near the site, prompting community outcry and provincial reviews of supervised consumption sites.
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