In a letter dated Friday, Parrish said staying on as a member would require supporting a 21.3 per cent budget increase for Peel Regional Police this year.
"I cannot wear two hats," Parrish said in the letter. "My responsibility as mayor is to all of the citizens of Mississauga including preparing budgets at both the city and regional levels and being constantly aware of the impact those budgets will have on the taxes paid by all our residents."
"We are in very difficult times with housing costs escalating, an unprecedented food insecurity crisis that sees one in 13 of our residents forced to use food banks, seniors struggling to stay in their homes as property taxes rise and encampments for those who can't find space in our shelters."
The board is "totally and completely" responsible for the police budget, under the Community Safety and Policing Act, and Peel regional council cannot challenge it, she added.