Opinion | Breaking Up Google Isn't Nearly Enough

"The reason so many businesses have tortured their web pages into a pulsing, ad-cluttered, endless scroll is because that is what it takes to check all the boxes needed to rank highly in Google search results."
"A federal judge recently told us what we already knew: that Google is a monopolist in the Web search market. In his scathing 277-page ruling, U.S. District Court Judge Amit Mehta noted that Google has an 89.2 percent share of the overall search market and a 94.9 percent share of searches conducted on mobile devices."
"Next month, the judge will start deliberations on how to fix an industry that is so thoroughly dominated by one player. It is not going to be easy to jump-start competition in a market where Google has spent decades and billions of dollars quashing rivals."
"The judge seems likely to ban the kind of exclusive distribution deals Google long used to make its product the default search engine on Apple phones and in Web browsers such as Firefox."
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