FX took a risky bet on 'Shogun,' a limited prestige series in Japanese. It just won a record-breaking 18 Emmys.

"Shōgun smashed the record for the most Emmy Awards won by a show in one season, once again proving non-English shows are worth investing in."
"During this year's Emmy Awards, 'Shōgun' took home 18 awards, beating the previous record of 13. It was also the first Disney show to win Outstanding Drama since the first season of Lost in 2005."
"When FX first greenlit 'Shōgun' in 2018, it seemed like a risky gamble. The version featured a mostly Japanese cast, and most of the dialogue was in Japanese."
"Showrunner Justin Marks accepted the award, thanking FX for greenlighting a very expensive sub-titled Japanese period piece. He acknowledged the surprise at its success given its unique premise."
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