What Post-Election Narratives Reveal About the United States - Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly

"This election was indeed all about identity politics: a coded, intentional, and strategic effort orchestrated by conservatives over multiple decades. Race (Whiteness) was front and center—and the people have spoken."
"Current framing... positions Black Americans, Indigenous people, and people of color as personally responsible for their lack of progress; positions public spending in communities of color as a 'handout' instead of an investment; and leaves unchallenged an 'us versus them' story."
"This tendency isn't limited to White 'allies' but includes anybody who doesn't want to do the work of dealing with collective identity issues. Bringing up the disparities faced by Black, Indigenous, and people of color challenges core American myths."
"You can perpetuate a narrative without having to relate to or understand anyone else's reality... that's the power of Whiteness."
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