The Federal Judiciary: The Most Dangerous White-Collar Workplace In America - Above the Law

The federal judiciary is described as the most hazardous white-collar workplace in the U.S. due to rampant harassment and an absence of impartial oversight. While around 75%-80% of law clerks report positive experiences, a significant 20%-25% report negative situations, highlighting serious issues such as bullying, discrimination, and retaliation. There is an urgent need for institutional reforms, particularly regarding support mechanisms for clerks and greater accountability for judges. The Legal Accountability Project serves as a potential resource, but significant changes in culture and structure are necessary to improve conditions.
The federal judiciary is the most dangerous white-collar workplace in America, characterized by pervasive harassment and a lack of accountability for judges.
Judges demand unquestioning fealty from law clerks, creating an environment where abusive conduct and discrimination can flourish without fear of consequences.
Read at Above the Law