According to FIFA's latest report, the global average salary for female professional football players stands at $10,900, largely influenced by a few top clubs. Tier 1 clubs see higher average salaries at $24,030, with some players earning up to $120,000. However, Tier 2 and 3 clubs afford significantly lower salaries. The report emphasizes the necessity for female players to earn sustainable incomes exclusively from football to allow a focused athletic career. Additionally, it raises concerns about low match attendances, stressing the importance of finding solutions to this issue for the growth of the women's game.
The average salary for female professional football players globally is just $10,900, but Tier 1 clubs pay significantly higher, averaging $24,030.
For Tier 1 clubs, the average contract length is between one and three years, allowing players the stability to focus on their football careers.
Average attendances at women's football matches show concerning discrepancies, with Tier 1 averaging only 1,713 despite certain clubs drawing large crowds.
There's a pressing need for higher salaries in women’s football to provide stability and reduce reliance on secondary income for players.