You couldn't wish for better guests than the Romanians. First they tidied up their dressing room, then they left a letter in it: We are leaving Germany with the feeling that we have given everything for Romania and are grateful for everything we have experienced here. We are very happy that Germany was the stage...
Major sporting events have a value, and that has become clear over the past four weeks. Comparisons with the 2006 Sommermarchen (summer fairytale) are misleading. The political situation has changed. We are living in times of global crises...
All 2.7 million tickets were sold, hundreds of thousands of fans travelled to Germany and a total of six billion people will have watched. Football remains a melting pot, as the images from the stadiums and fan zones show. Society inevitably discusses all its issues in this huge bubble...
Football reaches people directly in three ways. First, there are the sporting events. We have seen exciting matches. Countries that don't have the best conditions were able to present and assert themselves because they formed a unity with their fans...