David Geaney taps into Irish roots for Campbell show

The upcoming St. Patrick's Day festivities in Campbell kick off with a vibrant performance by Velocity Irish Dance, led by world-renowned dancer David Geaney, on March 14 at Heritage Theatre. Known for its innovative take on Irish tap dance, the troupe will perform to live music. Later in the month, the Chefs of Compassion event on March 28 will feature culinary talents like chef Michael Maydeck, who will create dishes from ingredients sourced from the WVCS pantry, highlighting community support and culinary creativity.
Velocity Irish Dance, led by champion David Geaney, will entertain at the Heritage Theatre on March 14, showcasing next-generation Irish tap dance with live music.
Michael Maydeck of Orchard City Kitchen is among three chefs competing in the Chefs of Compassion fundraiser, creating dishes from ingredients sourced from a local food pantry.
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