Mike Lynch's court-appointed guard praises tycoon's loving and caring heart'

Rolo Igno, the armed guard, described his relationship with Mike Lynch saying, "The job had been unlike any other and had been life changing... with Mike, that didn't fly with him and for me that rule quickly dissolved." Igno highlighted how Lynch's warmth and openness defied traditional professional barriers, transforming their relationship into a genuine connection. The invitation to share family time was a significant moment, showcasing Lynch's character amidst his challenging circumstances.
In recounting his first outing with Lynch, Igno stated, "I opened the door for them and told Mike: If you need anything at all sir, I'll be right at this table by the entrance... No, no, no, you'll be sitting with us.'" This moment highlights Lynch's inclusive nature and willingness to break down the formalities typically present in such security arrangements, making Igno feel like part of the family.
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