Your San Francisco supervisor: Who they are, what they do, and how to reach them

The article introduces a new supervisor lookup tool designed for residents of San Francisco, enabling them to find detailed information about their district's supervisors. Users can access backgrounds on recent elections, campaign support, and key statistics such as demographic data and voting rates. This tool aims to enhance civic engagement by providing resources for lobbying and staying informed about local issues through newsletters. Data sources include census information and campaign finance from various political action committees, further aiding residents in becoming active and informed constituents.
Our new supervisor lookup tool is a one-stop shop for anything you might need to get started lobbying for yourself at City Hall.
Which candidates were backed by YIMBY groups, and which by labor unions? Who speaks the most languages?
To navigate the tool, you can start by selecting a district from the drop-down menu over the map.
Population and district demographics data comes from census data cited in a 2022 San Francisco redistricting presentation.
Read at Mission Local