Attorney Sarah Marinho expressed her enthusiasm for the ruling, stating, "We are happy the case is going forward. It's been a long time coming - over four years at this point - so all my clients are eager to have their case finally heard by a jury." This highlights the prolonged struggle faced by the plaintiffs in seeking justice and accountability for actions taken during the protests.
The Ninth U.S. Circuit Court's decision not only paves the way for Derrick Sanderlin’s lawsuit against officer Michael Panighetti but also underscores a significant stance against qualified immunity. The ruling holds police officers accountable for their actions during protests, reflecting a judicial willingness to reconsider protections traditionally afforded to law enforcement.
Appellate judges noted that while qualified immunity was denied to Panighetti and his peers, Capt. Jason Dwyer was granted immunity due to the lack of violation of 'clearly established rights.' This distinction raises questions about accountability among law enforcement during civil unrest.
The case, which has been delayed for over a year, includes allegations from several co-plaintiffs about excessive force used against them, including being struck with crowd control devices and projectiles. Vera Clanton recalls being treated violently, asserting, 'I was roughly manhandled and slammed to the ground while officers arrested me,' emphasizing the traumatic experiences faced by protesters.