'The reality is 31 units. We're estimating 150-180 residents living in the 31 units. A lot of them are staying with family, friends, they are couch surfing. We don't know who will come forward to ask for help,' said Chen. 'It is a proud community. They don't like to ask for handouts.'
'A lot of people need help. You tell me where I should sleep,' said Gao. 'He said it's hard. It's very hard and he looks around and tears just roll of his eyes. Not just home. Everybody,' said Chen for Gao.
'We need to help our residents. They need help,' said Chen. The American Red Cross is offering temporary shelter at the Chinese Presbyterian Church.
Neighbors believe an unhoused person set a dumpster on fire. 'You can actually see the dumpster melted,' said Padilla.