4.2 earthquake Sunday was largest in two years in Bay Area region

"It definitely woke me up," said Ryan Stirm, owner of Stirm Winery, in Aromas, near the epicenter. "The first couple of seconds were the strongest and then there was low-level shaking. We didn't have any damage. But it was loud. I don't wake up that easily. It was like a slow grinding." Stirm reflects on the earthquake's impact, sharing not only the sensation but also the atmosphere created by the tremors.
"It's always important to be prepared for earthquakes," said Andy Rosas, a spokesman for the Monterey County Sheriff's Department. He emphasized the necessity of readiness amidst the tremors, urging residents to update their earthquake kits and establish communication plans, particularly as a reminder of past disasters like Loma Prieta.
Stirm indicated that this quake made him think of the Loma Prieta Earthquake, emphasizing a historical perspective on the implications of seismic activity in the region. He noted the comparison serves as a cautionary reminder of previous tragedies associated with such incidents.
Read at The Mercury News