Contra Costa County is looking to renew its urban limit line, a critical boundary aimed at preventing urban sprawl and preserving natural landscapes. Originally enacted through voter support in 1990, this policy restricts development to only 35% of county land. With looming state-mandated housing goals, officials are discussing an extension through 2050, emphasizing the need for sustainable growth. A key planner highlighted the ability to still accommodate over 23,000 new housing units within existing boundaries. Residents will vote in June 2026 on this important issue for the future of the region's environment and development plans.
For more than three decades, Contra Costa County has drawn a line in the sand protecting the region's verdant open space and sweeping ridgelines from urban sprawl.
Will Nelson, one of the county's principal planners, expressed that the urban limit line is intended to encourage infill development near downtown corridors and more densely populated neighborhoods.
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