SF's Moderate Candidates Duke It Out at Debate Peskin Skipped Because He Figured It Was Rigged

Supervisor Aaron Peskin skipped this debate, saying of its organizers, 'The Stop Crime SF/Stop Crime Action debate will be moderated by Marie Hurabiell, a Trump appointee to the Presidio Trust Board of Directors and leader of Connected SF, which is also backed financially by [William] Oberndorf's Neighbors for a Better San Francisco.' Peskin is correct on the merits of one thing, in that Stop Crime SF, one of the many redundantly named tech political action committees proliferating in SF these days, is indeed funded to the tune of $750,000 by Neighbors for a Better San Francisco, according to Mission Local.
Moreover, DA Brooke Jenkins, who herself was on the take for $150,000 from Neighbors or a Better San Francisco while claiming to be a volunteer for the Recall Chesa Boudin campaign, was given a Crimefighter of the Year award before the debate.
As District Attorney, I believe in holding everyone accountable under the law. That's why I have filed a complaint with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) against @StopCrimeSFnews for breaking tax laws that govern 501(c)(3) organizations. pic.twitter.com/s4JEqJEFMB Ryan Khojasteh (@ryankhoj) July 8, 2024
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