Lurie Holds City Hall Rally to Push His Fentanyl Emergency Order, Which Seems to Have the Votes to Pass

Mayor Daniel Lurie is pushing for the Fentanyl State of Emergency Ordinance to combat the overdose crisis in San Francisco. His initiative, which requires the approval of the SF Board of Supervisors, aims to increase shelter beds, enhance treatment facilities, and allow for faster funding processes by reducing oversight on nonprofit contracts. Despite a rally that attracted more supporters onstage than in attendance, Lurie seems to have garnered enough backing from local supervisors to potentially pass the measure next week, as he emphasized the urgency of the crisis at the event.
We have a crisis that needs the urgency and demands urgency, and that's what you're seeing from my administration and everybody behind me.
Today, I stood with the recovery community, activists, law enforcement, and elected officials as they lent their support to our Fentanyl State of Emergency Ordinance.
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