"We've been working for a long time to get senior housing co-ops here in the Austin area to help those of us that want to live in a shared facility to help support each other," says Carol Lilly. "We are especially interested in cooperative housing in Austin's new ETODs since many of us no longer drive. It would be a great benefit to have transportation nearby."
"Within the Austin-Round Rock region, 38 percent of people 65 and older are housing cost burdened, spending more than 30 percent of their income on housing, and 85 percent of older adults cannot afford assisted living," the resolution states.
"The aging population is growing, creating an increasing demand for services. The resolution seeks to leverage shared-equity housing to provide affordability, community, and access for Austin's seniors and people with disabilities at significantly lower costs than traditional affordable housing models."
"By recommending that housing developments prioritize sites in walkable, mixed-use ETODs, the resolution also directly addresses the issue of mobility, aiming to strengthen access to community, businesses, and services for seniors and people with disabilities."