In a dramatic move, Supervisor Hillary Ronen today tenured her immediate resignation as chair of the Board of Supervisors Rules Committee. In a public letter, she accused Board President Aaron Peskin of using procedural legerdemain to potentially resurrect legislation Ronen yesterday moved to kill.
Ronen was unconvinced; in her resignation letter she said the DROP 'would have allowed a small number of retirement-age police officers to more than double their salaries in exchange for delaying retirement for up to 5 years - a benefit no other City employee receives.'
She added that 'neither the author of this proposed measure nor SFPD could provide basic data needed to assess whether an amended DROP program would work any better today.'
While this would violate no rules, Ronen in her letter characterized these 'extraordinary lengths' as 'undermining the credibility of the institution of the Board' and 'qu
#political-resignation #deferred-retirement-option-plan #financial-concerns #procedural-manipulation #credibility-issues