"We are continuing to work to change our systems, break down the bureaucracy, and change the culture around access to treatment of buprenorphine and methadone," said Dr. Grant Colfax, the director of San Francisco Department of Public Health.
"I want to celebrate that yes the numbers are low but at the end of the day we still have so much more to do," said Donna Hilliard, executive director of Code Tenderloin, the nonprofit helping to operate the team. "Real-time real access to care means everything."
"The stigma and over-regulation prevent people from staying in treatment...that's what methadone patients need to do to get their daily medication," said Dr. Hillary Kunins, with director of behavioral health, SFDPH.
"If they then go to the same dealer and get a different potency and they go and use the more it is a very dangerous place to be," said Lydia Bransten, executive director of the Gubbio Project, a nonprofit working with people on the street.