An Invitation to Take the Question of Secession Seriously

Political philosophers are urged to engage with the complex theory of secession, a topic often overshadowed by the stigma surrounding the Confederacy's unjust motivations. While notable philosophers like Allan Buchanan have contributed to the literature, secession remains a niche area of inquiry. The article advocates for a shift in focus from well-known unjust historical examples to deeper discussions surrounding self-determination and justice. Diverse current movements from Taiwan to Catalonia illustrate the significance of these debates in contemporary political philosophy and the need to understand who rightfully deserves a state.
Secession is often a neglected topic in political philosophy, principally because American philosophers, especially, associate it with the unjust cause of the Confederacy.
The philosophical inquiry into secession must go beyond historical examples like the Confederacy and focus on broader principles of self-determination.
Understanding secession requires grappling with the fundamental question of who deserves a state of their own, a question that philosophers typically overlook.
We must expand the discourse on secession to recognize the vast array of global movements and the rightful claim for self-determination.
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